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  • Is my canopy or cover repairable?
    Before sending your canopy or cover look it over. Is it brittle, flaking and does it crunch when you bend it? If the coating or top layer has begun to peel or delaminate it means the plasticizers, the chemistry that makes vinyl and other coatings soft, have begun to migrate out of the fabric. The fabric cracks and the base weave or scrim is weakened and rips and that makes your canopy beyond fixing. . If you can see through your canopy when you hold it in front of the light it might mean it is beyond repair.
  • Why is my canopy stiff and brittle?
    The plasticizers in the vinyl break down over the years from the sun and then when it is washed it takes all the broken down vinyl and washes it off. Darker colors they will bleed a lot of color if they are more than 6 years old. Be aware that it will fade a bit due to the wash.
  • What if I’m not sure if my canopy or cover is repairable?
    You can send it but before we begin cleaning or repairing any canopy we will issue you a quote number. We will agree that it can be fixed and how much it will cost. You can send pictures but we will not know for sure how much work has to be done until it’s looked over.
  • If I send my canopy and it cannot be repaired what do I do?
    We will recycle your canopy and refer you to a manufacture partner. We can also return your canopy to you @ your cost.
  • How do I send my canopy?
    Fold and roll your canopy When packaged like this they will fit into a 24” x 16” x 16” box. Canopies and be shipped UPS, Speedy and FedEx. Do not send USPS. Fill out our shipping label on our site/email/contact so we know it is coming.
  • How do I tell you what needs fixing?
    There is a section in our contact us/email where you will tell us what you needs mending.
  • How do you wash my canopy or cover?
    We use a special soap and wash your canopy in an industrial washing machine capable of low agitation settings. This is to make sure that the canopy isn’t ripped or torn and broken down. We have recipes for different fabrics and colors that clean without damaging the covers with the correct chemical/soap and temperature balance to have the covers come out clean. Darker colors they will bleed a lot of color if they are more than 6 years old. Be aware that it will fade a bit due to the wash.
  • Will my canopy come out completely clean?
    No. The newer the canopy is the cleaner it will be. Most generally canopies that are 5 to 6 years old will come out looking very good. A 10 year old canopy will not look like new no matter what you do to it. Most mold stains will not wash out of the fabric. It will be clean but the stain will remain in the material. The plasticizers in the vinyl break down over the years from the sun and then when it is washed it takes all the broken down vinyl and washes it off. On the darker colors they will bleed a lot of color if they are more than 6 years old. I just make sure the customer is aware that it will fade a bit due to the wash. When the covers get to be crunchy and brittle I refuse them. At this point we will ruin them if we clean them. Again this is mostly due to the vinyl being broken down and the wash takes all the loose particles off. Most of the above is referring to the vinyl covers. Sunbrella and Weathermax won't bleed much if any. There is a slight chance of the seams opening up on these two fabrics depending on what tape is used when it was manufactured.
  • Why can’t I just power wash my canopy?
    Power washing is too aggressive and will strip UV coatings and damage the canopy. A person wouldn’t shower under a pressure power washer. Think of fabric as being like skin. Too much sunlight and not enough protection will burn, age and break down your skin. There will be some lighting of your canopy when we wash it but we can also provide you with protectants or reconditioning to lengthen the life of your canopy..
  • Will my canopy come out completely clean?
    No. The washing process removes loose particles, some staining and will lighten the canopy but it can’t reverse the aging process. It can’t remove deep mold stains. The goal is to slow the aging process, extend the life of a canopy and to keep it out of the landfill. I would think for you it would be to find the correct chemical/soap balance to have the covers come out clean. We use a special soap We use a low agitation setting with warm water.
  • How do you repair my canopy or cover?
    We remove all bungee hooks and attachment hardware prior to washing. Once the canopy is dry it is ready to be fixed. We will sew, resew, glue, hot air fabric weld and in some cases use a mix of all repair techniques. Failing seams are top stitched. Webbing loops are resewn and or replaced. Sections can be replaced and holes patched. We try to balance durability with the cosmetic. Because we are “mending” patches will not be an exact color match. We use Shelter Rite vinyl, Sunbrella and WeatherMax so I have an abundant amount of small yardage of fabric.
  • How long will it take to fix my canopy or cover?
    We try to repair all canopies in the off season. September 1 - March 1. This gives us time to give full attention and time to the cleaning, repair and restore. But we do offer year round service. Summers are short so we try to return them in 14 business days. In season demand can be high so be sure to email and ask how far out we are and when you can expect your canopy cleaned and fixed.
  • How do I maintain my canopy or cover?
    We offer 3 different packages for the ongoing care and restoration of your canopy. We offer a variety of cleaners, protectants and waterproofing products for your type of fabric.
  • How much longer will the life of my canopy be extended by having it repaired?
    It depends. The age of the canopy, the nature of the repairs needed and current condition will determine if a canopy will last another 2 years or 5. Cleaning and repair is not cheap but is cost effective and makes sense. Typically cleaning and repair can be 25 to 50% of the purchase of a new canopy. If most canopies are warrantied for 5 years and you’re able to get another 3 with cleaning and repair then the cost makes sense.
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